Julie's Bakeshop Around Cagayan de Oro City

Almost every 3 o'clock PM I hear this sound, this new hit sound in the road. And every time I hear this song, my stomach seems to crave for something to digest.

Oh, it's the Julies Bakeshop on wheels! Since I'm "tambay" doing some home-based jobs (lampaso, panglaba, panilhig, ug uban pa), I always hear that song and immediately buy those delicious breads and other delicacies of Julie's Bakeshop.

It's good they got this idea and its really a hit. Delivering their goods to your house is somewhat bringing convenience to your customers. Just wait for their jingle to ring in your ears then there you go, Julie's delicacies.

I'm not not advertising Julie's here, they won't pay me and they won't care anyway. I'm thinking of those small-time panaderias here in Cagayan de Oro who originally have this system. You could hear children shouting (instead of a jingle) "PAN INIIITTT!!" during my 3 o'clock habit (snack time).

Those panaderias are really small compared to Julie's. Small, yet they can directly help children earn some money for their everyday living. Some sell bread in the afternoon/pandesal in the morning just to have something to spend at school, just like my "suki" here.

But with the advent of Julie's on Wheels, who are directly competing against small time bakeshops, what will happen to these kids? Sooner or later, there's no pandesal nor pan -init to sell anymore since their panaderia has closed due to stiff competition with Julies.

I remember Jerry's Shopper's World in Valencia, Bukidnon. They were the largest store in Valencia in their time. but when Gaisano entered the scene, Jerry's and other small groceries didn't withstand the competition and they closed shops.

I am seeing the same scenario here. Soon, I won't be hearing the "PAN INIT" anymore and it will be all the Julie's jingle. I hope not.