Motorcycle Menace

Motorcycles nowadays are everywhere in the roads of Cagayan de Oro City. With the advent of high fuel prices, Filipinos find their way to fuel-efficient vehicles and the no.1 hit are the motorcycles, be it branded or the China brands.

Anybody can have one, if you have the bills. Anybody can drive a motorcycle and you can see just anybody driving one in our roads, some even have no driver's license.

But what I have observed is the requirement what most riders don't follow - the wearing of helmets. Most riders think that wearing of helmets is just a policy. They use helmet just to avoid being apprehended by the law enforcers.

With this on mind, they wear just anything. Have you seen someone driving a motorcycle wearing a helmet for bicycles? Many are doing that. Some are also wearing helmets that are not DOT certified. But those wrongdoings are just tolerated by the law enforcers maybe because they themselves doesn't know the rule. They think any helmet will do.

The real purpose of wearing helmets is safety, not just to avoid being apprehended by the law enforcers. It protects our head, which is susceptible to fatal injuries, in case of an accident. Many deaths have been recorded, not just in CDO but worldwide, in motorcycle accidents due to the use of substandard or non-wearing of helmet at all. This menace continues to claim its victims due to some ignorant or hard headed riders.

Many are aware of this but just find ways to deviate. Some says they're ashamed because their friends call them "X-Men". Some says helmets can 'deform' their hairdo an some even believe the myth that wearing of helmets can cause baldness. Some have their own reasons and some are just funny and dumb.

What's funnier is the way some riders are doing. They have their helmets but they don't wear them. Many put their helmets in their elbow which make some wonder if their brain, which is supposed to be protected by the helmet, is in their elbow. It's maybe a joke but it could be a serious call for the ignorant riders to heed before it's too late.